From Karen’s friend Kristina about the home-school year-end party.

It went so very well. I got to meet Matthew and chat with him a while. Don’t know if you met Elizabeth but she printed out almost all of the pictures from on a big board which was beautiful to see and gather around to talk. After we all ate our potluck lunch and chatted we all held hands and walked up to the beautiful spot on the top of the hill and formed a circle. It was our whole co-op and a few families from the Asheville Homeschool co-op. Vixi led the talk we had about Karen and death and how we are always around and how much she was loved and that her love is always with us and lots more beautiful spiritual words. Then we went around and all said something about Karen. There were some tears for sure but mostly lots of words of love and gratitude that we got to know her. Rebecca just said “She was my Mom.” and Gabriella said that she was her Mom and that it was kind of strange because it still feels like she is all around. That was so moving, we all felt like she was with us today. I am sure she is still with her girls each and every day. All the little girls were hugging on each other. Lots of the kids said she was a great and fun teacher and was always smiling and helpful. Many of the parents said how much we admired her strength, her commitment to daughters, all the work she did with the co-op, her energy, her can do attitude, her happy attitude, her easy smile and her serenity. How we all feel so frazzled as parents but how she always seemed so serene and took everything in stride and how she saw the beauty in everything. Matthew told about how they met. It was a very special moment we all shared on top of the hill in the cool, winter sunshine. At the end we were all silent for awhile then we broke into the hoki poki and danced. It was so fun and funny and we all could picture Karen doing it with us. After we turned ourselves around and said that’s what it’s all about we shouted “Karen” and then put another body part in the circle and sang some more. It was funny. Then we broke off, the kids played tag and the parents talked. You and Karen would have liked it. It was a special day.

1 thought on “From Karen’s friend Kristina about the home-school year-end party.

  1. Kristina sent this message to me, and I thought it was quite touching, so I sent it to the rest of the family. I spent the week after Karen’s death in North Carolina with Matthew, Rebecca and Gabriella. I got to go with the girls for their homeschooling meeting with other families, and it was wonderful getting to know all of Karen’s dear friends. They are amazing and really were a second family for Karen. It gave me great comfort to know that she was loved and surrounded by true friends, and that Gabriella and Rebecca have a great group of friends and other parents to draw strength from and feel at home with.

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